
Dynamic Collocational Network of Plasticizer News 塑化劑新聞動態網絡

I've been working on visualizing collocational networks for a while.  As demonstrated earlier (here), a collocational network of Japan earthquake had been  visualized from simply news texts.  This time, the goal is to make collocational network a dynamic network.  That is, the network changes over time.

Since a social event is never static, news reports of this event , as well, change over time.  In this sense, time itself is a critical factor that influences the construction of collocational network.  The basic idea is to break down time-span.  My previous demonstration showed a static network across a large time-span (a month).  Now, I simply break it down into small pieces (a day), and re-connect these pieces by time sequence (date).  And you can see how this idea works in the video at the top of this page.

In the video, I tried to visualize the Plasticizer scandal in Taiwan.  If you were aware of Taiwan's situation, the Plasticizer scandal is really a big news during the time.  I collected all available news at Yahoo! Taiwan every day from May 23 to June 23, 2011.  Each day is a time frame.  And, each collocational network is built in the basis of a single day news.  With the help of Gephi, these separated networks are combined to a dynamic network.

For all frames, the nuclear word is 塑化劑(Plasticizer).  So the word 塑化劑(Plasticizer) stays unchanged.  But, core words are also fixed, such as 食品(food), 產品(product), 果汁(juice), 檢驗(exam), etc.  However, peripheral words are blinking, and the connections sometimes just disappear.  In this context, we can easily grasp an outlook of the event, even if the event is changing. 

As a contrast, a static collocational network of Plasticizer scandal is listed below.

Collocational Network of Plasticizer (塑化劑)



差不多食譜:手工巧克力餅乾 Chocolate Cookies

又是手工餅乾,最近一連出了兩份餅乾食譜,這個「手工巧克力餅乾」已經是第三份了。會不會有更多呢?我可以告訴大家,這是肯定的。 要怪就怪這個陰鬱的冬季雨天,哪裡都不方便去,也懶得出去。餅乾櫃空在那邊已經很久了,雖然有時候會嘴饞,但也沒有迫切去補貨的必要。反正經常開伙,平常該有的材料都會有,自己弄個成分完全透明的零食,也是個不錯的選擇。再說,用烤箱進行烘焙時,房間會變得比較乾燥,也比較溫暖。在夏天是個折磨,但到了冬天,這種感覺還滿不錯的。 話不多說,開始進行這一道「手工巧克力餅乾」的準備工作。

差不多食譜:壽桃 Birthday Bunns


【豐原大蔥】免揉大蔥佛卡夏 No-knead Leek Focaccia - 差不多食譜

「豐原大蔥」的第二道食譜,就做 大蔥馬鈴薯濃湯 那篇提到的「大蔥佛卡夏」,而且用的還是懶人的免揉方法。不光是麵包,這份食譜還有一個衍生的副產品「大蔥油」,靈感來源就是蔥油拌麵。接著就來看看我是怎麼做的吧! 「大蔥佛卡夏」差不多需要這些材料:(20cm鑄鐵鍋) 豐原大蔥 ...... 1根 橄欖油 …… 適量(150ml左右) 高筋麵粉 …… 200g 鹽 …… 2g 酵母粉 …… 2-3g 水 …… 180-200g 「大蔥佛卡夏」差不多是這麼做的: Step 1. 製作「大蔥油」 說來你可能不相信,製作「大蔥佛卡夏」的「大蔥油」,靈感竟是來自於蔥油拌麵。但是大蔥油製作時需要人在旁邊顧著,而且炸過的大蔥也會拌進麵團裡面,正式製作佛卡夏前就先把這個大蔥油做好。 用小蔥製作蔥油的時候,只有切段丟進油裡去炸。可是我打算把炸過的大蔥一起揉到麵包裡,大蔥纖維比較不好咬斷,就先用刀子給它切碎。要注意的是,這裡我只用蔥白,以及稍微有點厚度的蔥綠,也就是蔥白和蔥綠交界那邊。 接下來,把切碎的大蔥放入鍋中,並倒入橄欖油,用中小火慢慢去炸大蔥。我不想要麵包裡黑黑的,所以炸到大蔥變軟,香味散出,顏色稍微黃一點的時候就可以關火,並將炸過的大蔥撈出放涼。 剩下的油就是大蔥油了,留下來炒菜、拌麵都很不錯。 Step 2. 製作佛卡夏麵團 拿個大碗,倒入高筋麵粉、鹽巴、酵母,再加上水攪拌成團。不用揉,只要成團就可以。 Step 3. 拌入大蔥發酵 往麵團中放入炸過而且放涼的大蔥,用湯匙或筷子拌進麵團。如果你的大蔥瀝的比較乾,再多補一兩匙大蔥油進去。當然,我這種差不多的作法,盛大蔥的碗底就差不多有一兩匙大蔥油了,整碗直接倒進去就好。 拌好後,找個蓋子蓋起來,室溫放一兩個鐘頭進行基礎發酵。也可以直接放進冰箱發酵,隔天再拿出來處理,就像其他的免揉麵包一樣。 Step 4. 移到烤盤 發酵完成,就可以把麵團轉移到烤盤上。我懶得洗鍋子,直接拿炸大蔥油的那個鑄鐵鍋當作烤盤來用。先在鑄鐵鍋(烤盤)底部抹些油,再灑些鹽巴,這樣麵包烤好之後表面就可以咬到一點鹹味。 接著就把麵團直接搬到烤盤,淋點大蔥油,開始用手指戳出佛卡夏特有的孔洞。操作之前記得洗手! 戳完孔後,切點蔥綠用大蔥油泡一下,均勻放在佛卡夏表面,並稍微壓進麵團裡。最後往表面再灑些鹽巴,同樣是在表面就可以嚐到些許的鹹味。這樣,就可以準備烘焙了! Step